Available presentations & posters > Session 6

Session 6. Improving understanding of magmatic and volcanic process

Conveners: Y. Aoki, F. Sigmundsson, V. Pinel, T. Wright

Eruptions dynamics are controlled by magma discharge rates and by the physical properties of magma (a complex mixture of liquid, gas and crystals) as it approaches the Earth's surface. The physical properties of magma and its ability to reach the surface depend not only on the composition but also on how it interacts with the crust during its journey from depth. Remote sensing, with the launch of recent satellites providing free and regular data, represents a huge opportunity for understanding and monitoring volcanic processes, in particular in the field of geodesy. The largest benefits are expected when geodetic data sets are analysed as part of a multidisciplinary approach in association with geological and geophysical field measurements and when they are used to test and develop models. We encourage submissions on geodetic and/or multidisciplinary studies of volcanic fields that use either global approaches or focus on specific volcanoes.


Keynote speaker

Aline Peltier - Observatoire Volcanologique du Piton de La Fournaise, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris - France
Contribution of GNSS to monitor and understand Piton de la Fournaise


Detailed Oral Program

Wednesday 12th September

2PM - 4PM:

Contribution of GNSS to monitor and understand Piton de la Fournaise (invited)

Aline Peltier

Piton de la Fournaise Flank Displacement following the March 2007 eruption

Valérie Cayol

Post-eruptive thermoelastic deflation of intruded magma in Usu volcano, Japan, 1992-2017

Xiaowen Wang

Dyke intrusion between neighbouring arc-volcanoes responsible for 2017 unrest at Agung, Bali: insights from Sentinel-1 InSAR time series and 3D stress modelling

Fabien Albino

Under the radar: New activity beneath the "Roof of Patagonia", Domuyo volcano, Argentina

Paul Lundgren

Are geodetic models physically relevant for understanding magma transport processes?

Olivier Galland

Are chilled basaltic magmas more susceptible to earthquake triggering? Evidence from the 2015 Ambrym, Vanuatu, dyke intrusion

Ian Hamling


List of posters

>Posters of session 6. Improving understanding of magmatic and volcanic process

The problem of determining magma chamber depths under calderas

Yuan-Kai Liu, Joel Ruch, Hannes Vasyura-Bathke, Sigurjon Jonsson

Ground surface deformation patterns evidenced by interferometric synthetic aperture radar techniques DInSAR and SBAS and implications on magma storage at Sabancaya volcano, 2013-2017 period

Katherine Gonzales, Edu Taipe, Juan Casas, Hugo Zárate, Domingo Ramos

Link between flank slip and eruptions at Piton de la Fournaise (La Réunion)

Quentin Dumont, Valérie Cayol, Jean-Luc Froger

Forecasting the rupture of a magma chamber using sequential data assimilation: Application to Grímsvötn volcano, Iceland

Mary Grace-Bato, Virginie Pinel, Yajing Yan, François Jouanne, Jean Vandemeulebrouck

InSAR characterization of lava flows at Piton de la Fournaise

Alexis Hrysiewicz, Jean-Luc Froger, Nicolas Villeneuve, Thierry Menand, Catherine Aaron, Aline Peltier

Monitoring of the 2018 Kilaeua, Hawaii, volcanic crisis using high-rate GNSS potition time series

Cedric Twardzik, Mathilde Vergnolle, Bertrand Delouis

SAR Differential Interferometric Time Series analysis over the Klyuchevskoy group of volcanoes in Kamchatka

Magdalena Stefanova Vassileva, Mahdi Motagh, Thomas Walter

Estimating the distribution of melt beneath the Okataina Caldera, New Zealand: an integrated approach using geodesy, seismology and magnetotellurics

Ian Hamling, Edward Bertrand, Sigrun Hreinsdottir, Charles Williams, Stephen Bannister

Basaltic Magma Propagation: Insight from Inversion of InSAR and GNSS data of the May 2016 Piton de la Fournaise eruption

Delphine Smittarello, Valerie Cayol, Virginie Pinel, Aline PELTIER, Jean-Luc Froger


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