About GrenobleThe 19th General Assembly of WEGENER is organized by ISTerre, in Grenoble - France. >ISTerre, Earth Sciences institute
ISTerre is the result of the merge of LGIT and LGCA, the former two Grenoble solid earth departments. The research activities and programs continue within these frameworks. Based in Grenoble and Chambéry, ISTerre provides the means to its 250 members to promote innovative research in Earth Sciences. ISTerre will welcome the Wegener Assembly in his brand new Wilfrid Kilian Amphitheatre. >The Grenoble Alpes University
The Grenoble Alpes University is a major player in higher education and research in France: 67,500 students are studying in Grenoble, Top 1 city in France where it is the best for studying. As the world is becoming more and more competitive, our institution aims to better respond to the challenges the world poses universities today and in the future, and to be more visible and attractive internationally. The Université Grenoble Alpes already features in the top 100 and top 200 universities in major international rankings (Reuters, Shanghai, Times Higher Education and QS for example) for some of its scientific fields. >Grenoble, capitale of the French Alps